Article by Andrea Pizzato of “Montagna di Viaggi”

We repost the review contained in the article by Andrea Pizzato, author of the blog Mountain of travel (link to the original article here: Thank you Andrea for the valuable collaboration.

With Bivo 2.0 nutrition during your trekkings

Trekking is an activity which requires an high consumption of energy; it is important therefore, before starting, but also during an excursion, to pay attention to the right nutrition.

Many times I posted pictures of my lunch in a mountain hut during my summer hikes. We need to say that in some areas mountain huts are totally absent and that, during in the low season, they are in the most cases closed; so you can find yourself at the last moment to organize the mountain hike without knowing where to eat :)) If you are like me, you can even find yourself Sunday morning preparing the backpacking food, then there is a real problem to be solved 🙁

I solved this problem some time ago with BIVO, a complete, balance and healthy nutritional solution, ideal for who loves trekking and hiking in the mountains.

It is an Italian product, so Bivo is made following the principles of the Mediterranean diet: it is actually the only product in its category to have the same nutritional proportions.

Bivo can be prepared in just 30 seconds and can be used everywhere: you just need to bring a packet with you, pour the powder in the shaker when you want to use it, add water and shake it. Nothing has ever been simpler 🙂

I had the opportunity to try it the first time last week during an excursion at the Grotta Azzurra near Belluno, an area where there are no mountain huts and no supermarket.

The first time I feared that this kind of food was not enough to feed me or that it could have a bad taste. Instead, I was surprised by the total absence of hunger but also by the possibility to choose the flavour: Bivo coffee, natural and mixed berry.

The energy given by Bivo derives mainly from carbs (55%), fats (30%), proteins (9%) and fibers, respecting the percentages of a normal Mediterranean diet.

Actually, Bivo contains 685 calories, which is the same as a full meal, with all the vitamins and mineral salts that your body needs, especially during mountain trekkings.

Its main ingredients are:

Oat flour, which provides low releasing carbs and allows you to have energy for a long time.

Grind flaxseeds, with their quantity of protein, calcium, omega 3 and their property of lowering the cholesterol levels in the blood.

Borage oil, famous for its properties about protecting tissues from oxidation.

Vitamins and mineral salts, with 33% of all the vitamins and mineral salts of the daily reference intakes.

Bivo was a great traveling companion, to bring with me in my backpack, remaining free from limitations for the lunches in mountain huts and deciding when to eat at any time, for excursion in total autonomy with a complete, natural and healthy nutrition.

Bivo can be bought online at the following address:, where you can find all the information and suggestions about how to use the product.