Plastic Bag Free Day

What is used on average for 12 minutes and remains on Earth for the next 200 years?” Don’t you know? The answer is the plastic bag. This is why the “World Day without plastic bags” is celebrated on 12 September each year. This day was established in 2009 by “The Marine Conservative Society”, a British non-profit organization that fights for the preservation of the marine ecosystem. Today, compared to 10 years, this problem is felt even more because of the worsening situation in our seas. Suffice it to say that over half of the sea turtles contain plastic bags in the stomach; or that in 2050 it is expected that in our seas there will be more plastic than marine fauna.

Just to raise public awareness on this issue, The Marine Conservative Society had launched this day 10 years ago in which it invited everyone not to accept and not to use plastic bags, using reusable bags instead.

The world of politics, at least in Europe, is moving to fight one of the most ruthless enemies of the ecosystem in which we live: disposable plastic … A courageous decision although taken with guilty delay. Nevertheless September 12th maintains a strong symbolic value in the calendar of those who care about the fate of our planet.

To celebrate this symbolic day we decided to give a Bivo blue cotton shopping bag to anyone who from September 12 to October 12 will buy Bivo on our website ( One of the values ​​underlying our project is environmental sustainability because we are convinced that our current food model has become unsustainable for our planet (

This symbolic gesture aims to show that the use of plastic objects is absolutely immoderate. By now this type of objects are used without any moderation and without thinking about the very serious impact they have on the environment that surrounds us. We think not only of bags but also of crockery and disposable cutlery or straws.

Sue Kinsey, project leader of the MCS pollution program, hopes that the initiative: “acts as a stimulus for those who still cannot do without bags. We need everyone’s help to make the day a success. We must be able to demonstrate that it is possible with prevention to easily eliminate a source of plastic pollution which is the scourge of all landscapes and a real threat to marine fauna. ”

For this reason, on September 12th we invite you to make it your first day without plastic bags.