Bivo and the Mediterranean diet


Food is made by three macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body; proteins are needed to build tissues and organs; fats are our reserve of energy.
The macronutrients split can vary a lot according to the specific food we eat. A rib-eye steak has around 40% of calories coming from fats, 60% from proteins and does not contain any carbohydrates. A plate of rice has about 91% of calories coming from carbohydrates, 8% from proteins and 1% from fats. The composition of these two kind of food is very different: for this reason we can hear someone say: “you have to eat a bit of everything”. But what exactly “a bit of everything” means?
One of the most common nutrition model around the world is the Mediterranean diet, which is founded on the eating habits of Mediterranean countries (above all, Italy). The success and the diffusion of of the Mediterranean diet all around the world is due to numerous scientific researches which demonstrated that this diet has positive effects both on the longevity and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, of some types of tumors and of chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity.

The Mediterranean diet is based on standard portions; the majority of the daily portions are made by cereals, vegetables and fruits, while to a lesser extent we find meat (possibly white meat) and fish. The consumption of dairy products, eggs, potatoes and sweets is limited. Translating all of this in percentage, the Mediterranean diet has around 55-60% of calories coming from carbohydrates, 30% coming from fats and 10-15% coming from proteins.

Consume a real Mediterranean diet is quite complicated because you need to count the exact number of standard portions to consume daily and weekly.
It is also true that often in Mediterranean countries people consume a Mediterranean diet unconsciously. In the Mediterranean area in almost all meals people eat cereals (bread and pasta), fruits and vegetables. The consumption of meat, especially red meat, is lower than in other European countries and has been lowering steadily in the last years.
However, in the chaotic life we live nowadays it can happen that people have to give up the benefits of this kind of diet because of too many things to do and lack of time.

We decided to develop Bivo exactly to give an effective solution to whom wants to eat in an healthy and efficient way in a short time. Bivo’s energy comes for the 55% from carbohydrates, for the 30% from fats, for the 9% from proteins (the rest of the energy comes from fiber): it follows the same nutritional balance of the Mediterranean diet. Moreover, Bivo is enriched with all the vitamins and mineral salts your body needs. Whenever you are in a rush, the quickest and affordable choice you can make to have the benefit of the Mediterranean diet is Bivo.

Nota Bene: It is different to consider the calorie count in terms of energy or the percentage in terms of weight of the specific macronutrient. In order to calculate the energy split we need to consider that 1 gram of carbohydrates or 1 gram of protein provide around 4 kcal, while 1 gram of fat provide 9 kcal.

Warning: the Mediterranean diet calls for some portions of wine too, which unfortunately are not included in Bivo. We suggest you, even if life is becoming more and more chaotic, to find the time you need to drink a glass of wine from time to time, possibly with a group of good friends.