Let’s listen to Bill Gates!

We at Bivo believe in the importance of data analysis.

This means stopping to carefully observe what is happening in the world and interpreting phenomena “cum gran salis” (ie, using the brain), and then making decisions hoping that they are intelligent.

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Now, speaking of forecasting future phenomena, we believe that there are people who are more capable than others in understanding in advance what will happen in the world and what will be the future consequences of the choices that man makes in the present.

One of these people is certainly Bill Gates. Entrepreneur and philanthropist who needs no introduction, Bill was the founder of the giant Microsoft, created in Albuquerque in the USA back in 1975. With Microsoft, Bill Gates forever changed the history of personal computers, until he became the most rich in the world. For years he has dedicated himself to humanitarian activities, with donations and support to various philanthropic causes in which he believes, through the famous Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

This short article does not want to discuss the successes of the man Bill Gates, nor his contradictions, which certainly are present. He simply wants to highlight what he thinks about the future of climate change and underline the fact that maybe we should listen to what he says.

Many will have heard the famous speech made in 2015 at the Ted conference by Bill Gates about the impending health crisis that would occur in the following years. The video, about 8 minutes long, can be viewed here https://www.ted.com/talks/bill_gates_the_next_outbreak_we_re_not_ready/discussion?nolanguage=en%23t-46587#t-281318.

In his speech, Bill explained that humanity was not ready to face the arrival of a virus and that there was a risk of a major health and economic crisis if no action was taken.

Clearly, no one listened to Bill … the rest is the story of what is happening with Covid-19.

So what does Bill say about climate change?

We summarize some considerations that the American entrepreneur makes taking inspiration from the real data of the Covid-19 pandemic:

  • We should be impressed not so much by the decrease in pollution recorded during the pandemic, but by how little pollution has decreased. In other words, it was understood that the economic cost of reducing pollution is actually much higher than previously predicted, which will make it even more difficult to fight climate change in the future.
  • The economic impact of climate change will be worse than Covid-19. As early as 2030, they will impact 1% of US GDP every year. American GDP due to Covid-19 will lose about 7% this year, which in a 10-year period means 0.7%, therefore less than the 1% that will be caused by climate change.
  • The number of deaths due to climate change will unfortunately be higher than that due to Covid-19. Climate change in 2060 will be as deadly as Covid-19 is, in percentage terms. However, the world population will be greater, so the number of deaths will increase. In 2100, climate change will be five times more deadly than Covid-19 is now!

So what do we do?

Bill proposes his solutions, which are summarizing the following:

1-Let’s listen to science.

Actions are needed on the subject of zero-emission energy. Not only that, we need to intervene in the way we produce goods, grow food raw materials, build buildings, etc. We need interventions in different disciplines, and it will be necessary to listen not only to experts in Climate Science but also to experts in Economics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and all the technical subjects involved.

2-We must support the poorest countries in the environmentally sustainable transition.

It is not enough that rich countries change, because the phenomenon is global.

3-It is urgent, we must start now!

The Covid-19 disaster should have taught us that hiding problems under the carpet is never the solution. There is no time to lose.

To read the original article by Bill Gates (in English), click here: https://www.gatesnotes.com/Energy/Climate-and-COVID-19

In conclusion, allow us a joke:

Be smart, trust Bill this time 😉