Why Bivo was born, the smart food!

Have you ever arrived out of breath in a business meeting, swearing at the macaroni you ate at the company canteen? Have you ever looked at your agenda for the day thinking: “today I don’t even have time to eat”? For us these situations have become familiar and we had the perception that there was no smart solution. Speaking with friends and colleagues we discovered that this problem was more common than what we expected.

Thanks to technological change in the last years we got used to question many things that were considered unchangeable a few time ago. Why is that the same does not happen with nutrition?

With the desire to find a really “smart” alternative to what everyone does, we started to find a solution to our quick meals, the ones we consumed standing or while sending emails.
In the market there are different products: some of them are aimed to lose weight, others are aimed to increase muscles, but none has really the features we were searching for. What we wanted was a meal in all respects, but efficient, healthy, tasty and nutritionally balanced, which could really solve the problem.

We thought: “Since it does not exist, why can’t we make it?”

First we developed a homemade recipe, mixing different natural ingredients that could satisfy our needs. In this way we obtained our meal: a powder to be dissolved in water which could replace the train station sandwiches and and the various salads.
The result contained everything our body needed. After the first versions, deepening the topic with a nutritionist we made some corrections, understanding that a better nutritional efficiency could be reached balancing the nutrients according to the proportions typical of the mediterranean diet.

After using our meal for some weeks and understanding that it was really working, we said: “Why don’t we spread our idea to other people, maybe recommending our innovative solution online?”.

Together with a team of food professionals we fine-tuned the formula, obtaining an even better result.

The choice to develop Bivo originates from our deep optimism about the future, which pushes us to give our contribution for the improvement of the way people feed and for the environmental sustainability of food model as a whole.

Bivo is a way to fight junk food, exactly because it was born as an alternative to traditional “fast food”, which is nutritionally unbalanced and with low quality ingredients. We do not believe that Bivo can replace a good pizza with friends or a romantic dinner with a partner, but we are fully convinced that it can be the smart alternative in our chaotic everyday life.